
Saturday 22 November 2014

How to log out your facebook from another computer?

 Log out your facebook from another computer

How to know if someone has logged into your facebook account? Or if you forgot to logout of facebook on another computer, like a friend’s computer or from an internet cafĂ©? Then there is no need to worry. It’s one of the common problem faced by all of us. Facebook itself has made provisions for you to logout your account remotely from any computer. Most of these facebook security privacy features are unknown to the common users.
caption How to log out your facebook from another computer?

Logout facebook from all locations before it’s late

With this feature you can find out the currently logged in facebook sessions and thereby blocking facebook security risks related to your account. This enables you to make a move to prevent others playing on you before you change your password.
Follow these steps to check out your active sessions details and block them:
Log into your facebook account.
Goto account settings page.
You’ll be taken to the general account settings showing your username,email etc.
Goto facebook security page. Then you will see the securitty settings on facebook.

Click on the active sessions

If you observe any location or device that’s not known to you or the device that a forgot to log out, then you can quit facebook from there by clicking the ‘End activity’.
However there is a limitation for this service too, that is it you can’t log out your account in case your active session is from facebook mobile site(

Other facebook security features in facebook security settings:

1.Secure Browsing

For additional security you can enable facebook secure browsing option in the security settings.
Secure+browsing How to log out your facebook from another computer?

2. Enabling Login notifications 

Also there is a login notification feauture to let you know if someone has accessed your account from a device that comes.
login+notifications How to log out your facebook from another computer?

3.Adding a security question

This involves providing a security question and answer of your choice. It enables facebook to recognize your identity.

4.Recognized devices

Approving the devices is one of the best security practices for reducing possible facebook security threat.

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