
Tuesday 27 January 2015

9 Things to Remove From Your Resume Right Now

One of the most important things to have when you're job hunting is a killer resume. After all, if your CV doesn't pass muster, you won't even get a chance to meet face-to-face and let potential employers know why you're the right person for the job. Here are some details you should remove from your resume:

Middle and High School Information

If you've gone through college, you usually don't need to add your high school information, particularly if you're way past the graduation date. Middle school references are also best taken out.

Average or Poor GPA

If the company doesn't ask for it, there's no reason to insert in your GPA, especially if your college days are far behind. Including a low GPA won't help your case.

Passive Language

Use action verbs and don't make weak references to your achievements. For example, saying things like "familiar with [insert skill]" or "learned how to [insert skill]" is unnecessary. You should cut to the chase and immediately address the skill so you seem like you have the experience, instead of looking like a trainee.


Unless requested or depending on the industry, leave your photo out. You are not being judged on how you look, so including a photo will make you look unprofessional.

A Series of Short-Lived Jobs

If you've had a series of jobs that you've held for short periods of time, it might be a good idea to take them out. You don't want your résumé looking disjointed and you don't want employers to think you don't have focus. Some exceptions can be if you worked somewhere really prestigious that would make you look like a better job candidate or if you had a long period of unemployment and had nothing else to put in your résumé. Still, even in those circumstances, be very cautious about what you do include.

Objective Statement

It's rare that an objective statement will help you, and it can oftentimes hurt you, so it's usually best to take it out. Not to mention, it's generally quite hard to write a good objective statement. After all, you're telling the company what you're looking for, when in fact, the firm isn't there to help you achieve your goals.

Really Obvious Skills

Proficiency in, for example, Microsoft Word is generally common. Try to take those out of the skills section and substitute them with less common skills.

Any Information That Can Cause Discrimination

Don't be too free with your personal information. For example, leave any mention of religion, social issues, or politics out of your résumé unless it's relevant to the company you're applying to or if it reflects a strength that will add value to the job position. Readers of your résumé may be able to glean that information through the affiliations and organizations you belong to, so be careful about what you put down. Most of the time, it's best to keep it neutral. Of course, you may not even want to work for an organization that doesn't share your beliefs, so leaving this information in is up to your discretion.

More Pages

The general rule of thumb with résumés is to keep it to a page. Two pages should be the maximum amount of pages you should have, and it should only be that length when you're applying for very senior-level positions. Keeping it short will help you pull out the most impressive achievements and leave the irrelevant ones in the dust.
Of course, there are always exceptions to the points mentioned above. For example, I know plenty of people who have volunteered for presidential campaigns, which they say is an experience that has helped them in their careers. Always carefully consider your own situation and consult other people to see what works best for you.

Friday 5 December 2014

How To Trace Your "Facebook" Profile Visitors

Now here we found who recently visited your profile.
Follow below steps for get to know your FB recent visitors.

Step 1) Go to your Facebook Profile Page.
Step 2) Now Press Ctrl + U from your keyboard for see source code of your profile page.
Step 3) Now press Ctrl + F from your keyboard to open search box.
Step 4) Now search this code {"list":
Step 5) You find some Facebook Profile Ids are like shown below. Click on example image for zoom.

Step 6) There are some Facebook Profile Ids of your friends who visited recently.
Step 7) The first one ID's are showing visits the most number of time.
Step 8) Now if your want to findout, Open a new tab Enter below link Profile Id
For Example :
Enjoy The Trick.. :)

How To Remove Facebook Timeline

First go to Facebook Developer Page. Where you created this app.
Then Go to Edit App.

Step 2.
when you click on edit then you can see on left corner Delete App. Just click on it.

Step 3.
Once you click on Delete App then its asking for Delete Confirmation. 

When You Confirm, then your Timeline will be disabled.. 
     Now Enjoy with your old FB profile :)

Thursday 4 December 2014

New Facebook tricks

Edit Facebook Login Page with Browser Hack:

  • Go to, the usual facebook login page.
  • Now, clear the address bar. Copy the code below and paste it in your address bar.
  javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

  • Make sure that javascript: is present at the beginning of the code or else this trick doesn't work.Then hit Enter.
  • Once you have completed above step, you can easily edit all the contents of the Facebook login page.
  Eg. Select any text and hit on Backspace. The text will be deleted.

In this way, you can easily add your name to the Facebook page.

An Easy way to view Private Facebook Profile Picture in Full size:

Some people on Facebook set their image privacy settings to "Only me".We will not be able to see their images in full size.Here is a simple work around technique using which you can see image in full size.
  • Go to the Timeline of the person.
  • Right click on the profile pick and choose the option open image in new tab from menu.

  • Then the image will open in a separate window.
  • Now just remove s160X160 from the url of the screenshot and hit enter.

  • Now you will be able to see the image in full size.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

How to Root the Nexus 6 Using Windows, Mac, or Linux

Google's latest Nexus device is big, bold, and beautiful—and now it's got root. Thanks to some quick work by legendary Android developer Chainfire, the Nexus 6 already had a clear-cut root method before most stores even had it in stock.
CF Auto Root is a wonderful tool that has already helped root thousands of devices in one simple click. And since the utility works on WindowsMac, and Linux, almost any Nexus 6 owner can have Superuser privileges in just a few minutes.

Step 1: Put Your Phone into Bootloader Mode
To begin, power your Nexus 6 completely off. When the screen goes black, press and hold the Volume Down and Power buttons simultaneously. This will bring up Android's Bootloader menu, and at this point, you should connect your phone to your computer with a USB data cable.

Step 2: Ensure That You Have the Proper Drivers Installed

In order for CF Auto Root to work its magic, your computer and your Nexus 6 need to be able to communicate properly. Most systems will automatically download the necessary device drivers to make this happen, but others will require that you do this manually. If you're not sure if you have the proper drivers installed already, I'd advise that you install them yourself.
If you own a Windows PC, you can download the proper drivers at this link. Simply run the file, then follow the prompts, and you'll be all set up.
If you're a Linux user, download and extract this ZIP file, then run the script with Terminal.
For Mac users, the process of installing the proper drivers is a bit more involved. Refer to our guide on the topic for more information.

Step 3: Download & Extract CF Auto Root

Chainfire's awesome root tool can be downloaded at this link. Once you have the ZIP file saved to your computer, extract its contents to any folder on your system.

Step 4: Run CF Auto Root

With the ZIP extracted, you'll find 2 folders and 3 files—, and root-windows.bat. Double-click the file that corresponds to your computer's operating system to begin.
From here, a command prompt window will inform you that CF Auto Root will unlock your device's bootloader before it performs the rooting procedure. If your bootloader is not already unlocked, this process will wipe your device, so make sure you have everything backed up.
When you're ready, press any key on your keyboard to execute the script.
If your bootloader was previously locked, you should see a red Android logo on your phone's screen for about a minute. Otherwise, CF Auto Root will skip directly to the rooting process, and you'll see a wall of text scrolling by on your phone's screen for about 10 seconds.
When the process is complete, your phone will automatically reboot, and you'll be rooted. At this point, it's safe to unplug your Nexus 6 from your computer.

Step 5: Verify Root

To verify that your Nexus 6 is indeed rooted, download Root Checker from the Google Play Store for free.
From there, simply run the app, then tap Grant on the Superuser requestpopup. If everything went off without a hitch, Root Checker will give you a message that says Congratulations! This device has root access!